New Beginnings
As a mom, life seems to be one endless parade of new beginnings! In fact the word that comes to mind when addressing the ever-changing challenges of raising a family is REGROUP, REGROUP, REGROUP!
It amuses me to reflect on times when I felt like I had “arrived” at the routine or strategy for keeping everything neat, under control, and moving ahead (such a wonderful feeling, delusional as it may be!). Whether it’s keeping an orderly house, emotionally happy children, a cleaned out car, being consistent in a daily family routine, getting to school and then work on time, homework, laundry, getting food on the table (or just not losing my cool more than twice a day) the reality is WE MUST CONSTANTLY RE-STRATEGIZE, RE-FOCUS, RE-TRY, RETHINK, RE-PEAT, RE-EVALUATE, RE-EVERYTHING!
Yes, my word of choice is “regroup” for all the above! And i’m thinking most of us, if we want to stay fresh and alive in our life approach, have to do the same too! REGROUPING is a good thing! Life can quickly and subtly become a drudgery, or mindless, dull routine void of real interaction or heart connection.
The challenge to grow as a family and as individuals requires an alertness, a sensitivity, and commitment to become all we can be. A wise mom seeks discernment to see her “blind spots,” unhealthy patterns, counterproductive steps, or unhealthy developments forming in the family's habits, schedules, activities, relationships, or attitudes. She then MAKES A CHANGE and declares a new beginning!
Don’t think it's a failure when you have to go back to square one and map out a plan! Whether you are preparing for the next day or the next week (or the next hour), everyone must RE-ASSESS, RE-CONSIDER, and RE-PLAN! But the core value of every healthy family is realizing again and again: Our family’s goal is not perfection, but love, mercy, passion, and purpose!
Regrouping is like breathing- you take in a new dose of hope, patience, and sometimes new information and strategies. You let go of any negative, accumulated aggravations and offenses (“garbage!") that try to attach themselves to you and your family. No way, it’s a NEW DAY! The good news: most “New Beginnings” (as often, or as painful, as they may seem) are transitions to greater growth, opportunities, and connections. Flow with it! It’s going to work for your good.
What have been some of your most meaningful or fun “ transitions?" I always love talking with you! You are in my prayers. ❤
Never Give Up!
DeAnza Duron